Translating the manual from German into English takes time; it could be done in less time, if there was sufficient funding.
You can donate any amount from € 10,00 upwards, and - if you wish – you will be notified, as to which articles we have had translated by the use of your contribution.
If desired, we will also publish the name of the donor:
„ The translation of this article was made possible by … (your name) from … (your country or city)”.
We can also issue a receipt which will make your donation tax-deductible in Germany. For this please submit your address.
Bank Connection:
Gemeinnütziger Verein* zur Förderung hoch begabter Vorschulkinder e.V.
Sparkasse KölnBonn BLZ 37050198 Konto Nr. 23000839
* non-profit association